Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tutorial Seven: Assistive technology

Assistive Technology refers to a broad range of devices, services, strategies and practices that are conceived and applied to problems faced by individuals who have disabilities (Cook and Hussey, 2000).
A piece of adaptive technology that we looked at within our tutorials was the use of adaptive switches. The basic switch know as the "Standard switch" will connect to a range of electronic devices such as blenders, sewing machines, and drills and by simply pressing the switch the device works. For example the blender blends, the sewing machine sews and the drill drills.
The average cost for a basic adaptive switch is $101.25c including gst.
The use of adaptive switches increases the functionally capacity for the user by allowing the user to be able to functionally use a machine by simply pressing the the switch. Obviously someone will need to set up the machine and the switch. Using a switch like this gives someone with a disability a sense of achievementas they can functionally use the tool to create something.

Tutorial Six: The internet and online communities

The online community that I am investigating is Facebook ( The focus of the facebook community is to be able to connect and share information with all the people in your life.
facebook has many services within it such as social networking groups (workplace, school or collage). There is also a chat option where you can chat to friends and family online. You post content on your own and others profiles. People contribute by using these tools.
People who use facebook may be seeking a number of things such as Anticipated reciprocity, increased recognition, sense of efficacy, sense of community.
An example of a topic being discussed is the welly wood page:

Basic Info

Hey, let's NOT have a "WELLYWOOD" sign in Wellington.
Organizations - General
Wellington Airport are actually building a "WELLYWOOD" sign on the hill near the airport. Apparently it'll be finished by June.

"The Hollywood-style sign will stand 3.5-metres tall and stretch 28m along the hillside next to the Miramar cutting."

Read this and be horrified:
Privacy Type:
Open: All content is public.

Contact Info

Wellington, New Zealand

Recent News


an interesting article:
There are some ethical issues that may arise from using facebook. If your profile isn't private then anyone on facebook who is not your friend will be able to look at your photos, discussions and photos. It is best if you keep your profile private to avoid this. An advantage of this online community is that you are able to share information and connect with your community from basically anywhere where you have internet access as facebook is not reliant on a geographical location. A disadvantage is that you don't get the face to face communication.

Tutorial Four and Five: Video production sessions

Youtube is a popular video hosting and sharing site used by many. It is owned by google. YouTube allows users to view and upload video files. It also allows users to post comments on the videos as well as rate the videos. You can subscribe to your favorite users. Registration is free! although you don't need to be registered to watch the videos just to post videos and make comments.
As part of this course we made short films that had a problem and a solution (video can be watched below). In order to make these short films a lot of planning was necessary. In our planning we used the techniques of story boarding and scripting.
Story boarding was developed by Walt Disney in 1928. This was done to achieve full animation by using an enormous number of drawings. For the purpose of our short films a story board was used to create a series of drawings of the proposed film. It is the plan of the end product.
Scripting the way in which the thoughts and ideas of the author are transmitted to the audience. This is done by recording not only the dialogue but everything that is seen/heard in the film. A good script looks at the following points: Mood, expression, movement, special effects, sound track instructions, Lighting, camera angles, Type of shot, Background sound and setting, on screen graphics and titles. The more detail included the more realistic it will be. In our script we made sure we added all the correct camera angles and shots as well as what the person is saying and their expressions.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tutorial Three: Blog creation task

Blogger provides many services or its users. It allows you to pubblish your thoughts and have you own voice on the web. It also allows you to engage with your friends through blooger comments, access controls and blogger profiles. Blogger comments allow anyone offer you feedback on your posts. Access controls let you decide who can and who can’t access and write on your blog. Blooger profiles allow you to find people and blogs that share your interests.

You can desighn your blog to look however you would like it to. You can also post photos aswell as blogger mobile-from your cell phone.

Another popular blog site is twitter.

Tutorial Two: Digital Camera use and applications

It is said that " A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature".
Digital cameras have some pluses and also some minuses. Digital cameras have allowed us to distribute and manipulate images easily, They have allowed practices such as Occupational Therapy be able to quick and easy access to images without having to get a film developed.
Digital photos unlike film photos are made up of pixels; lots of tiny squares which make up one image. This makes digital images non smooth and continuous like regular film photographs.
Digital images can be easily stored onto laptops, computers, Ipods, memory sticks, Dvd's external hard drives and much more. Images are easily manipulated with programs such as as photoshop.
There are ethical issues which can arise from capturing images on a digital device such as photos being taken of a person without their consent.
Digital cameras are now commonly used in occupational therapy practice to capture client progress and photos of equipment, interventions ect. is a photo storage website. It allows users to join groups and share photos/ videos inside the groups. You can also have friends who you can share photos/videos with and have discussions. Snapfish is another website that works in a similar way to filckr.
Digital cameras have both digital and optical zoom. Optical zoom works just like a zoom lens on a film camera. Image quality stays high. Digital zoom crops the image to a smaller size, then enlarges the cropped portion to fill the frame again Image quality is significally lost.
Megapixel is the amount of pixels that go into an image. 1 million pixels= 1 megapexel.